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What is the Difference Between LASIK, PRK and Clear Lens Exchange
When patents come to us to find out if they are a good candidate for LASIK vision correction we conduct a very thorough eye examination – because not everyone is a good candidate . For example, your cornea might be too thin, or the shape of your eye might not be appropriate for LASIK. ECT also offers PRK, which is an excellent option to improve your vision.
What is LASIK?
LASIK is the most popular surgical procedure to correct vision problems. LASIK is a type of laser vision correction performed by a surgeon using a computer-controlled laser that emits precise pulses of energy to reshape the cornea. LASIK dramatically reduces the need for glasses or contact lenses by treating nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. After LASIK, nearly all patients see well enough that they don’t need glasses or contacts for most or all activities requiring distance vision.
What is PRK?
PRK, which stands for photo-refractive keratectomy, works in exactly the same general way as LASIK by reshaping the cornea. While both LASIK and PRK are two-step processes, in PRK the first step is different. Whereas LASIK involves providing the laser treatment under a flap, PRK is the application of the laser treatment on the corneal surface.
What is Clear Lens Exchange?
This procedure is much like cataract surgery, where the natural lens of the eye is exchanged for a custom lens implant. So, when LASIK or PRK is not the best option for you, we most likely have other procedures to improve your vision!
The only way to know what procedure is right for you is to schedule a no-obligation evaluation. We will do a comprehensive set of specialized tests and talk to you about what will work best for your eyes. Our friendly LASIK Counselors and Physicians look forward to seeing you to answer all your questions.
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What Is LASIK?
What is LASIK?
LASIK is a quick and painless outpatient treatment that uses a cool beam of light to gently reshape the surface of the cornea, thereby improving vision. It is designed to be a onetime treatment to help normalize your vision, while also reducing or eliminating your dependence on glasses and contact lenses. LASIK is an FDA approved procedure. Over 19 million LASIK procedures have been performed making it the most common elective vision procedure in the U.S.
What is Astigmatism?
Astigmatism is when the eye is shaped more like a football than a baseball which causes blurred vision or a sense that each eye is seeing objects slightly differently. The result produces multiple focal points. Astigmatism can make wearing contact lenses difficult or even impossible. LASIK is now a great option for people with astigmatism who want clear, comfortable vision.
What is Myopia (Nearsightedness)?
The normal eye is a perfect sphere. The cornea and lens focus light to form an image on the back inside surface of the eye, known as the retina. With nearsightedness, the cornea’s curvature is too steep for the shape of the eye. The light is focused in front of the retina, causing images of distant objects to appear blurry.
What is Hyperopia (Farsightedness)?
The normal eye is a perfect sphere. The cornea and lens focus light to form an image on the back inside surface of the eye, known as the retina. With farsightedness, the cornea’s curvature is flat for the shape of the eye. The light is focused in back of the retina, causing a blurred image.
Why Go to the Eye Center of Texas?
Dr. Mark Mayo and Dr. Edward Wade specialize in LASIK vision correction. Combined, they have helped over 60,000 patients achieve clear vision and reduce their dependence on glasses. Not only do they have an enormous amount of experience – but they only offer the latest in LASIK technology…iLASIK (aka…blade free). Over 275 Houston area optometrist refer their patients to Dr. Mayo or Dr. Wade for their LASIK surgery. What are you waiting for? Call us at 713-395-1515 or call your family eye doctor and tell them you want LASIK vision correction and you want Dr. Mayo or Dr. Wade for your surgeon!
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Introduction to iLASIK
Did you know LASIK eye correction is the most common elective vision procedures in the world? In fact, approximately 19 million procedures have been performed. Combined, Dr. Mark Mayo and Dr. Edward Wade have performed over 60,000 LASIK procedures. Not only do they have an enormous amount of experience – but they only offer the latest in LASIK technology…iLASIK.
iLASIK is also known as IntraLase ‘blade free’ LASIK. IntraLase is the laser that makes the safest and most accurate flap possible…and combined with CustomVue wave print, our surgeons are able to give patients custom vision…which results in the best possible vision. There are 3 steps to the iLASIK procedure:
- The first step is to create a 3-D map of each eye. This map serves as the individual road map for your iLASIK procedure and is called WaveScan Map.
- Step #2 – the surgeon creates a thin corneal flap in a process called the IntraLase Method and this unique laser is an advantage of the iLASIK procedure. (Some vision centers use a blade to make the corneal flap).
- When the cornea flap is safely made, a second laser is used to make the correction to the cornea based on the exact specification/measurement of your eye(s). The entire procedure is typically completed in about 15- 20 minutes and is pain free!
If you check around, you will find that we are not the most expensive…but we are not the cheapest. We are right in line with the other reputable Houston LASIK surgeons…but in addition to having surgery by Dr. Mayo or Dr. Wade, you will receive a ‘limited lifetime warranty’. Very few LASIK surgeons offer this. And if you need a little help with payments, you may want to consider Care Credit Financing.
We love what we do at the Eye Center of Texas and we would love to help you achieve great vision! Call us at 713-395-1515 to schedule your free iLASIK evaluation or ask your optometrist (over 275 local optometrist refer their family, friends, and patients to ECT for their LASIK procedures).
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The Heart Truth
February is National Heart Disease Awareness Month and National AMD (Age-Related Macular Degeneration) and Low Vision Awareness Month
Some of the same things that put you at risk for heart disease and stroke also put you at risk for AMD. These include:
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- Obesity
- Smoking
You can tackle several risk factors at once by doing these 4 things: eat healthier foods, exercise, stop smoking and take your medications as instructed.
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Macular Degeneration and the Amsler Grid
Macular degeneration (AMD) is a chronic eye disease associated with aging that gradually destroys central vision. It is one of the leading causes of legal blindness and vision impairment in older Americans. AMD affects central vision, but not peripheral vision – therefore, it doesn’t cause total blindness. The progression of AMD can be slow or rapid, but the deterioration of central vision generally occurs over a period of a few years.
There are two types of AMD, dry and wet. The dry form occurs in approximately 90 percent of those with AMD. The wet form only occurs in 10 percent of those with AMD, but it accounts for 90 percent of all severe vision loss from the disease. “Wet” is a chronic condition with no cure, but it can be treated with photodynamic therapy (PDT), conventional laser, and anti – VEGF medication treatments, or combination therapies.
Like other chronic diseases, wet AMD requires that people with the condition take an active role in monitoring their symptoms. The Amsler grid is a safe and simple, self-administered screening test used to evaluate possible problem areas in the macular.
Test each eye separately. Cover the eye that you are not using · Keep the grid about 14 inches away · Look directly at the dot in the center of the grid · If you normally wear glasses, do so while looking at the grid
Repeat this test on your other eye. If you notice blurry or wavy lines, and dark or blank spots you may have a vision problem in the eye and you should call your eye doctor.
Early detection and treatment are the best defense of losing your vision.
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January is Glaucoma Awareness Month
What is Glaucoma?
Glaucoma is a serious condition that involves an elevation in pressure inside the eye caused by a build-up of excess fluid. Left untreated, it can destroy the optic nerve, which is the main nerve of the eye. Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in the world today…but it doesn’t have to be.
In most cases, it is a painless disease…and there are no symptoms other than loss of vision, which can occur so gradually that many people do not realize it is happening. The first vision loss is usually peripheral vision (what you see off to the sides when you are looking straight ahead).
Glaucoma cannot be cured, but it can be treated. If it’s diagnosed
in its early stages, blindness can almost always be prevented. Because it is painless, it is very important that patients have regular eye exams. This is especially true for people who:
- Have a family history of the disease
- Are of African-American descent
- Over the age of 40
Possible Signs of Glaucoma:
If you are suddenly experiencing the following symptoms, you may have glaucoma and should seek immediate treatment:
- Blurred vision
- Nausea
- Headaches
- Halos around bright light
The Eye Center of Texas treats all types of glaucoma. The most common is called ‘open-angle’ glaucoma. It occurs in 80% of all people with glaucoma and most ‘open-angle’ cases are treated with eye drops that we prescribe in the office. We also offer laser trabeculoplasty or SLT. The SLT (which is covered by most insurance plans) treats intraocular pressure by gently opening up the drainage canal of the eye with multiple laser spots.
To schedule your glaucoma evaluation, call the Eye Center of Texas at 713-797-1010
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Macular Degeneration (AMD)
Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a chronic eye disease associated with aging that gradually destroys central vision. Itʼs one of the leading causes of legal blindness and vision impairment in older Americans. AMD affects central vision, but not peripheral vision – therefore, it doesn’t cause total blindness. The progression of AMD can be slow or rapid, but the deterioration of central vision generally occurs over a period of a few years. Pain is not associated with AMD, but if you experience any of the following conditions make an eye appointment right away:
- Straight lines appear wavy
- Difficulty seeing at a distance
- Decreased ability to distinguish colors
- Inability to see details, such as faces or words in a book
- Dark or empty spots block the center of your vision
Although the exact cause of Macular Degeneration is unknown, several studies have shown the following are more at risk:
- People age 50 and older
- People with hypertension
- People who smoke
- People with a family history of AMD
There are two types of AMD: “dry” and “wet”: The “dry” form of Macular Degeneration occurs in approximately 90 percent of those with AMD. Studies have found that high levels of zinc and antioxidants play a key role in slowing the few specific forms of “wet” macular degeneration.
Early detection and treatment are the best defense against losing your vision.
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Are Eye Exams Really Important?
Yes, it is important to have a comprehensive eye exam at least once a year. A comprehensive eye exam includes dilation – which allows for the evaluation of diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and glaucoma and even life-threatening conditions like a brain tumor.
In 2013 Dr. Wade saw a patient…who had been seeing another ophthalmologist since 2009. Dr. Wade ordered additional tests – which determined the patient had a tumor on his pituitary gland that was pressing on his optic nerve, which was causing loss of vision. Dr. Wade immediately scheduled an MRI and referred him to a neurosurgeon at Methodist Hospital. Following the removal of the macro adenoma tumor, his vision has been totally restored.
Dr. Autry saw a child who was complaining of headaches (his vision blurry in one eye) and after she dilated and looked behind his eyes she discovered a tumor. She immediately called Texas Children’s Hospital where his tumor was removed.
While these are extreme cases, there are eye diseases like glaucoma that can steal sight without any pain, symptoms or signs…and if not treated can cause permanent loss of vision. Other diseases can also be detected by looking at your blood vessels, and retina. They may be able to tell you if you are developing high blood pressure, high cholesterol or other problems. And if you have diabetes, an annual eye exam is the most important thing you can do for your eyes. (Further reading: diabetic retinopathy surgery)
Eye Center of Texas is preferred by hundreds of eye doctors for Houston LASIK, cataracts, and other advanced treatments. Request an appointment today.
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Over 40, Presbyopia & LASIK?
Presbyopia is a condition in which the lens of the eye loses its ability to focus, making it difficult to see objects up close. Pretty much everyday we get this question: Since I’m over the age of 40, will I will be able to see both at distance and near without glasses after LASIK eye surgery?
Unfortunately the answer is no. However, there are some great options for patients over the age of 40:
- LASIK with Monovision: this involves correcting the dominant eye for distance vision, and correcting the other eye for near vision. Monovision does involve some degree of compromise and not everyone likes it therefore our doctors highly recommend patients considering monovision first try monovision with contact lenses.
- Refractive Lens Exchange surgery replaces the eye’s natural lens with an artificial lens to reduce the overall prescription and improve the range and focus of vision. It is basically cataract surgery done for the purpose of correcting vision even when no cataract is present. We offer premium intraocular lenses including the FDA approved ReSTOR and nanoFLEX that can reduce or eliminate your dependency on glasses or contacts. The ReSTOR multifocal lens corrects vision at all ranges (near, intermediate and distance). The nanoFLEX is blended vision and takes monovision correction to a whole new level. Once you have this surgery, you will never have a cataract.
Our doctors and counselors will help guide you to the options that work best to suit your lifestyle. Eye Center of Texas is a leading Houston LASIK provider, the choice of hundreds of Houston eye doctors. Eye patients may find a number of useful resources on the Eye Center of Texas blog, including content about: “I have a bump on my eyelid“, “Pain in my eye socket“, “My eyes are red all the time“, and “How to tell if your eyesight is getting worse“.
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6565 W. Loop S., Suite 650Bellaire, TX 77401
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LASIK/Near Vision:
Office: 713-395-1515
Fax: 713-357-7278
4415 Crenshaw RoadPasadena, TX 77504
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Sugar Land
15200 S.W. Freeway, Suite 130Sugar Land, TX 77478
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Clear Lake
455 E. Medical Center Blvd., Suite 110Webster, TX 77598
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Greenhouse Medical Plaza2051 Greenhouse Road, Suite 110
Houston, TX 77084
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The Woodlands/Conroe
100 Medical Center Blvd., Suite 118Conroe, TX 77304
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